About Us

This is a blog for the Partners, Spouses and Significant others of our LGBT Soldiers. This is here to help us support each other while our soldiers are deployed or even just everyday. This site is provided to be positive, uplifting, and loving. Anything to the contrary will be deleted. Please join and help us stay strong until everyone comes home safely.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hey guys,

I decided to start a support group for those of us who are gay and lesbian spouses of members of military after discovering this isn't much support for us out there.  My partner just left for a 6th month deployment to  Afghanistan and I find myself alone for the first time in a while.  While I have my dogs it still gets lonely.  There are TONS of support groups for heterosexual military spouses to help them with the tough times but we are left to fend for ourselves.  Now that DADT is gone, I hope we can begin to stand up stronger in support of one another to help us through the tough times until EVERYONE comes home safely.

Topic of the week...Communication...what have you leaned is the best way to communicate with your loved one overseas?